what generates happiness for you?

Being outdoors! Kayaking and being around (or in) bodies of water. Generally connecting with Mother Nature. Learning new things. My dog, Opie.

what brought you to yoga?

 I went to massage therapy school and yoga was a requirement before most classes. I hated it at first. I didn’t want to do it. By the end of the program I was in love. It changed my physical body, but more importantly, it enhanced the way I approached all aspects of life.

why do you do yoga?

To stay healthy and to clear my mind. Honestly, I do yoga so I don’t go crazy.

favorite songs to help you remember happiness?

Feel Me Flow – Naughty By Nature        Good Day – Nappy Roots
Sharing the Night Together – Dr. Hook    Walking in Memphis – Marc Cohn
Everywhere – Bran Van 3000       Any and all songs by Bonnie Raitt

erika laurenson

back to instructors

Alysse Baker

erica metzner

what generates happiness for you?

being outdoors! kayaking and being around (or in) bodies of water. generally connecting with mother nature. learning new things. my dog, opie.

what brought you to yoga?

why do you do yoga?

to stay healthy and to clear my mind. honestly, i do yoga so i don’t go crazy.

favorite songs to help you remember happiness?

     feel me flow – naughty by nature good day – nappy roots
sharing the night together – dr. hook walking in memphis – marc cohn
everywhere – bran van 3000 any and all songs by bonnie raitt

back to instructors

Alysse Baker

 i went to massage therapy school and yoga was a requirement before most classes. i hated it at first. i didn’t want to do it. by the end of the program i was in love. it changed my physical body, but more importantly, it enhanced the way i approached all aspects of life.

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1022 Suncrest Town Centre Drive Morgantown, WV 26505



(304) 381-5755

